Friday, October 26, 2012

Copper Mine manufacturers in Chile

Open-pit Copper Mine

Chile Copper MineChile concasseur de pierre dapatite is one of the leading industrialized nations in South America and has the world's largest known copper deposits. In this Andean country, the metal often has to be mined under extreme climatic conditions. The demands on the electrical equipment are correspondingly high.The open-pit copper mine in Collahuasi is located in the middle of the Andes in an historical mining area in the north of the country about 290 km east of the port of Iquique. At enrichissement de minerai et processus dexploitation miniere de minerai an altitude of between 4,200 m and 4,700 m, the hostile desert climate places exacting demands on both people and machinery.The extreme temperatures and the oxygen-deficient air put the electrical equipment of the mining machinery to the test every day. The operator of the mine, the Compa?ia Minera Do?a Ines de Collahuasi SCM (CMDIC), took this factor into account when placing the order for the electrical equipment of a crusher and a belt conveyor system: the company decided on an extremely rugged solution with ACS 6000 water-cooled medium-voltage frequency converters from SBM and the time-tested control system AC800M and Operate IT (initially redundant), also from SBM.A complete solution from one source of supplyIn open-pit copper mining, crushers are used to break up the mined material. SBM received the contract for the electrical equipment of a crusher with a delivery conveyor, intermediate bunker and a feed conveyor for Collahuasi in July 2002 and assumed the responsibility for a complete service package.
In addition to the engineering,machine denrichissement dalunite programming and configuration, the SBM experts prepared the complete documentation in English and partly in Spanish. SBM also carried out the entire production, shipment, all the tests as well as the supervision of the installation, the commissioning and the quality assurance. The successful final inspection of the finished plant took place at the beginning of this year.A large-scale belt-conveyor system at an altitude of 4,700 mA belt conveyor system for the transport of the mined material within the openpit mine was also installed in collaboration with SBM Canada. This commenced operation in May 2004. The system consists of two rising belts, a falling belt as well as a stockpile, an intermediate bunker and three feed conveyors. Owing to the high power requirement and the altitude of the mine, mediumvoltage frequency converters of the type ACS6000 with new low-power modules were used. These are especially designed for use under extreme environmental conditions. A total of five 2 MW motors with ACS6000 mediumvoltage frequency converters are used in the two rising belts, and the falling belt is driven by three ACS6000s with regenerative feedback to the supply.

The plant is controlled via redundant field controllers of the type Control IT AC800M in conjunction with an Operate IT Server, which is also redundant. New electrical equipment for an open-pit copper mine in Collahuasi, ChileThis is the first large-scale belt-conveyor system project for SBMwith medium-voltage frequency converters of the 5 and 7 MVA class. In addition to this, the plant in the Chilean open-pit mine was constructed in accordance with the American NEMA standard and not to the DIN VDE standards - a new challenge for the German experts in the team, which they met successfully.FACTSCopper mining in Collahuasi goes back to the Incas, whose tools and crucibles have been found in the area of present-day mine. In 2003 the Compa?ia Minera Dona Ines de Collahuasi produced about 383,100 t of concentrated copper as well as a further 63,400 t of cathode copper.

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